Ebook Web Design

OReilly Adobe Creative Suite 2 Workflow (Dec 2005)

Paperback: 634 pages | Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.; 1 edition (December 1, 2005)
Language: English | ISBN: 0596102364 | Format: CHM | Size: 15 MB

Book Description
Adobe CS2 makes it easy to work smarter. Why not take advantage of all it has to offer?

Odds are you already use Adobe's Creative Suite. Maybe you use some of its features all of the time, but you know it also includes other powerful tools you have yet to explore, because you just don't have the time. The irony is that the whole design of Creative Suite is intended to save you time--the applications and tools included in the product work together seamlessly, making it possible for designers like you to work incredibly efficiently, from file creation to distribution.

This book can help you quickly learn how to take advantage of all that CS2 has to offer. By following its concise explanations and step-by-step exercises, you'll soon learn core skills and techniques that will enable you to create an integrated workflow that will not only save you lots of time, but will also give you more flexibility to move between applications to make necessary tweaks, try out new ideas, and create portable files for review.

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Ebook Web Design

Focal Press - Timing For Animation CHM

Paperback: 148 pages | Publisher: Focal Press (February 2002)
Language: English | ISBN: 0240517148 | Format: CHM | Size: 4.6 MB

Written by two internationally acclaimed animators, this classic text teaches you all you need to know about the art of timing and its importance in the animated film. Learn all the tips and tricks of the trade from the professionals. How should the drawings be arranged in relation to each other? How many are needed? How much space should be left between one group of drawings and the next? How long should each drawing, or group of drawings, remain on the screen to give the maximum dramatic effect? The art of timing is vital.
Timing for Animation not only offers invaluable help to those who are learning the basis of animation technique, but is also a vital reference for every animation studio and working animator.

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Ebook Web Design

Covert Java : Techniques for Decompiling, Patching, and Reverse Engineering

ISBN: 0672326388
Author: Alex Kalinovsky
Publisher: Sams
Publication Date: 2004-05-03

As a Java developer, you may find yourself in a situation where you have to maintain someone else's code or use a third-party's library for your own application without documentation of the original source code. Rather than spend hours feeling like you want to bang your head against the wall, turn to Covert Java: Techniques for Decompiling, Patching, and Reverse Engineering.

These techniques will show you how to better understand and work with third-party applications. Each chapter focuses on a technique to solve a specific problem, such as obfuscation in code or scalability vulnerabilities, outlining the issue and demonstrating possible solutions. Summaries at the end of each chapter will help you double check that you understood the crucial points of each lesson. You will also be able to download all code examples and sample applications for future reference from the publisher's website. Let Covert Java help you krack open mysterious codes!

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