Ebook WebDesign
Posted On Monday, January 28, 2008 at by must_poor
Pure JavaScript (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0672321416
Author: R. Allen Wyke
Publisher: Sams
Publication Date: 2001-08-15
Newbie and old-hand JavaScript programmers alike will appreciate Pure JavaScript, a comprehensive developer's resource to JavaScript that covers both the big picture and precise details. Authors Jason Gilliam, Charlton Ting, and R. Allen Wyke--developers all--have put together this well-organized title.
The bulk of this book is a top-notch JavaScript reference. Core language syntax is well-presented with excellent use of examples for practically every operator and function, and each entry includes version compatibility with Netscape and Microsoft browsers and JavaScript releases. The authors also include references for the two companies' extensions to the language.
A number of appendices round out this fine guide with attention to standard and vendor-specific syntax details. This is a fine JavaScript reference that cuts no corners.
Topics covered: Overview of JavaScript (origins of the language and the evolution of Microsoft and Netscape flavors), security topics (signed scripts and basic constructs of the language, including data types, type conversions, operators, and the features of server-side JavaScript), JavaScript execution environment, and browser version support.