Beginning C# Game Programming (Game Development)

Author: Ron Penton
ISBN: 1592005179/9781592005178
Pages: 344
Publication Date: 2004-10-22

Are you ready to try your hand at programming games using C#? "Beginning C# Game Programming" is your ideal introductory guide - designed to jumpstart your experience with C# and DirectX 9. It includes the fundamental topics you'll need to know and covers additional topics that you'll find helpful along the way. Begin with a comprehensive look at programming with C# - from the basics of classes to advanced topics such as polymorphism and abstraction. Then it's on to DirectX 9 as you learn how to create a basic framework and a Direct3D device. You'll also cover DirectSound and DirectInput. Put your newfound knowledge to the test as you program a complete game!

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1 komentar:

  1. Unknown Says:

    When I was a game dev student at Brown half of my C# game programming class used this book. Good, clear walk-throughs and insight. Now I work at dev firm that I linked to, and the book is still on the shelf here!